National Technical University of Athens
School of Mechanical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering Department

Total Cs-137 deposition in Greece following the Chernobyl accident

Cs-137 deposition map[+]

This map has been produced as explained in Petropoulos et al., 1996, using data from the NTUA Data Set, presented in Simopoulos, 1989. The same data are also included in the following:

  1. CEC (Commission of the European Communities), Environmental Radioactivity in the European Community 1984 -1985 -1986, Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring programme, EUR 12254 EN Report, Joint Research Centre - Environmental Institute (Ispra), DG XI (Luxemburg), 1989.
  2. CEC (Commission of the European Communities), Radioactivity Measurements in Europe after the Chernobyl Accident, Part II: Fallout and Deposition, Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring program, EUR 12800 EN Report, Joint Research Centre (Ispra), DG XII, 1990.
  3. CEC (Commission of the European Communities), The State of the Environment in the European Community - Overview, Accompanying Document to the Proposal from the Commission of the European Communities for a Community Program of Policy and Action in Relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development, DG XI, 1992.
  4. CEC (Commission of the European Communities), The State of the Environment in the European Community - Overview, COM(92) 23 final, Vol. III, ISSN 0254-1475, ISBN 92-77-42828-7, Brussels (Presented in the 2nd International Conference on the Environment, Rio).
 CORINE project Cs-137 deposition map [+]
These data have been also plotted by the CEC DG XI, CORINE Programme 1985 - 1990. The NTUA data set is available upon request from the Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) Data Bank at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) - Environmental Institute. Another Cs-137 deposition greek data set is provided by the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory - NRCPS, Dr. P.Kritidis.