Gamma Spectroscopy
High-Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy set-ups
- Ge(Li) detector
Efficiency 23.8%, FWHM 1.97keV@1.33 MeV, Peak/Compton 47:1@1.33 MeV
In operation since 1977. - Coaxial pure HPGe detector
Efficiency 33.8%, FWHM 1.78keV@1.33 MeV, Peak/Compton 66.5:1@1.33 keV
In operation since 1981. - Low Energy Planar Germanium (LEGe) detector
Active area 2000 mm2 FWHM 341eV@5.9 keV
In operation since 1988. - Extended Range Germanium (XtRa) detector
Efficiency 100%, FWHM 2.1keV@1.33MeV, 1.20keV@122keV. - Broad Energy Germanium (BEGe) detector
Portable Big MAC cryostat
In operation since 2003
Research work in low-level Gamma radioactivity
- 1000 samples of lignite, fly ash, bottom ash and building materials analysed for natural radioactivity.
- 300 samples of foodstuff, rain and tap water analysed for fission product radioactivity from the Chernobyl fallout.
- 2000 1cm thick surface soil samples analysed for both fission product (Chernobyl fallout) and natural radioactivity.
- 300 air filters analysed for environmental monitoring purposes.