Elective courses
Interactions of ionizing radiations with matter
Sources of radiation (α- β- γ- and neutron sources), interaction of α- and β-particles, photons, neutrons and fission fragments with matter, Introduction to Monte-Carlo computer codes for the simulation of interaction of radiation with matter. Safe use of radioactive sources, Radiation damage. Laboratory Training.
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry
Dosimetry Principles and units. Exposure. Dose. Internal and external irradiation. Exposure and Dose calculation. Dosimetry and portable instruments. Radiation Protection Principles. Radiobiological Effects. Dose limits. Legislation. Gamma-radiation and neutron shielding calculations. Shielding heating. Safe use of radioactive sources.
Industrial Applications of Nuclear Engineering
Measurement of thickness, density, humidity and flow rate using Nuclear Engineering methods. Nuclear level gauges. Leakage detection. Control of industrial processes using Nuclear Engineering methods. Radiography. Errosion and corrosion measurements. Radidating. Fire detection. Nuclear batteries. Industrial applications of small linear and/or cicular accelerators. Sterilization. Food conservation. Raditracers. Biotechnological applications. Radioactive pollution at the scrap metal cycle. Laboratory exercise.
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear power plants core cooling during steady state operation. Thermodynamic and thermal-hydraulic analysis of nuclear power plants. Pressurizers, pumps, steam generators and turbines of nuclear power plants. Cooling systems of nuclear power plants. Transient phenomena, loss-of-coolant accidents. Emergency systems. Nuclear power plant safety. Laboratory training.
Biomedical Engineering - Medical Imaging & Radiotherapy
X-ray machines: operation and uses, radiographic units, Radiographic Image, films, intensifiers. Tomography principles, tomographers. Medical accelerators: principles, characteristics, types, and uses. Radiopharmaceuticals production and use. Whole-body counter. Gamma camera. Scanners. Imaging techniques: SPECT and PET. Radiotherapy. Cobalt Units, Brachytherapy, Radiation Protection.
Nuclear Measuring Systems
Detector systems and techniques for the determination of radionuclides (γ-spectrometry, α-spectrometry, liquid scintillation, radon measurement, radiochemical methods). Total α and total β measurements,
Detector systems and techniques for the determination of trace elements. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). Kinetic Phosphorescence Analysis (KPA).
Measurement statistics. Background and detection limit calculations. Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Calibrations and Intercomparisons. Laboratory training.
Radioenvironmental Analysis and Protection
Natural radioactivity, artificial radioactivity and technologically enhanced natural radioactivity. Radioactive contamination from the operation of Nuclear Power Plants and of non-nuclear installations. Enhancement of natural radioactivity due to Industrial processes (TENORM). Radioactive contamination due to the use of radioactive materials. Radioactive effluents. Dispersion and kinetics of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment and in the ecosystem. Special radioenvironmental measuring techniques. Methodology of Radioenvironmental surveys for the detection of radioactive contamination and relevant dosimetric calculations. High natural radiation areas. Statistical analysis and mapping of radioenvironmental measurements. Radon in the living environment. Radioactive aerosols measurements. Laboratory training.